Honors Research Projects from 2024
Tropical Fish Study in Tahiti, French Polynesia, Miranda Brainard, Caitlyn Swango, Paityn Houglan, and Richard Londraville
Farmland Effect on Local Water Quality, Rachel Burns
Zebrafish electroretinogram responses, Brooke Campbell
The Smell of Fear: Responses of Native and Invasive Geckos to Predator Scent Cues on Moorea, French Polynesia, Haley Dreisbach and Tessa Bodo
Social Determinants of Health: Evaluation Using Rates of Vision Screening and Follow-up Examinations, Madeline Dyer
Sources and Termination Patterns of Cholinergic Input to the Ventral Nucleus of the Lateral Lemniscus, Emily Echols
Restoration for The Small and Slimy: How Pond-breeding Amphibians Utilize Natural, Restored, and Created Wetlands, Miranda Florent
Climate Change's Effect on Flow Regime, Alexander Ialenti
Crayfish Tube-Feeding Methodology, Phoenix Johnson
The Effects of Ethanol Exposure on Glucose and Lactate Levels in Crayfish, Mackenzie Kirwan
Gait Kinematics in Sled Dog Fitness, ashley maio
Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Modeling for the spring ephemeral herb Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) in Eastern North America, Velan Manivannan
Psychotropic Polypharmacy on Heart Rate of Daphnia Magna, Gwendolynne Miller and Brian Bagatto
Microglia regulate light evoked retinal responses in the zebrafish retina., Brittney Moore
Ribbon Synapses' Role in Synaptic Identification, Lauren Nguyen
A Review on The Genetic Backgrounds and Management Behind Common Podiatric Disorders, Corinne Niedermier
Impact of Cannabidol (CBD) on Daphnia magna Heart Rate, Joanna Ross
A Review of Transposable Elements in Crustaceans, Alexander Salem
Lung Transplant Technology, Lana Tso
Observed effects of physiological melatonin dosing on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell proliferation, Wenli Wu
Honors Research Projects from 2023
The Effects of Sex on Zebrafish Bone Metabolism, Simon Bagatto
Comparison of Bone Robustness Between Fore- and Hindlimb in Neonatal and Infant Galago, Jeremy Busken
Sustainability and Biomimicry, Tabitha Cooper
The Effectiveness of Treatments for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: A Review of Literature, Lauren Cummons
Nicotine and e-cigarette effect on maximal metabolic rate (MMR) in Procambarus clarkii, Nathan Cuttica
How Akron Affects the Water Quality of the Cuyahoga River, Allyson Darst
Reducing Placental Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model Preeclampsia Using VEGFR2 Nanoparticles, Sophia Ganios
Buoyancy and Emergence in Elymus Species, Sandor Jakab
Effects of Nicotine vs Non-nicotine E-cigarettes on the Aggression Behavior of Crayfish, Alex Kimble
Knockout of Endospanin 1 via CRISPR in Zebrafish, Danio rerio, Jared Kittinger
The Use of Dynamic Light Scattering to Determine Mineral Precipitation in Bacteria., Isabella Manning
Amphisbaenian Head Movement and Burrowing Forces in Damp Granular Media, Jacob Newell
Bite Force and Stress Content of Varying Tooth Morphology and Jaw Alignment, Emily Newenhisen
How Bollywood has Influenced Cinema and Viewers Both Locally and Globally, Bhumi Patel
The Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid on Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Danio rerio, Sophia Scott
Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on the Standard Metabolic Rate of Crayfish, Frank Shaffer
Finding An Accurate Method to Measure Pollinator Visitation Rates, Claire Struhsaker
Dimerization of Dopamine (D2) and Adenosine (A2A) Receptors, Elena Vukovic and Jackson M. Macatol
Honors Research Projects from 2022
Conservation of Lapping Mechanism in Marsupials, Angela Brkic
Chemogenetic Induced Tinnitus Model, Cara Bunner
The Effects of Average Annual Temperature on Flowering Times and Flower Count, Angela Copploe
How will the expanding agriculture business impact wetland graminoids?, Travis Darago
Escherichia coli in Lake Erie: Impact on Lake Health, Mary Grmek
Glaucoma Alters the Morphology of Mouse Melanopsin-Containing Retinal Ganglion Cells, Kristin Keenan
Potential Effects of Amynthas Agrestis Invasion on Woody Understory Flora in the CVNP, CHRISTIAN MAMMANA
Western Diet in Adulthood, Timing of Menarche, and Economic Status Among Northeast Ohioans, Kailey Maroni, Anne Wiley PhD, Nicole M. Burt PhD, and Randall J. Mitchell PhD
Tiger Woods' ALIF Procedure: Causes and Results, Nathan Martin
Effect of Glaucoma on Melanopsin Retinal Ganglion Cells in Mice, Abigail McMullen
Immunohistochemistry of the zebrafish retina, Alison Ruf
Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Treatments, Alexis Steer
Honors Research Projects from 2021
Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 Pathway Due to Preeclampsia: A Review, Firdous Ali
The Effects of Increasing Positively Charged Metal Ions Within Synovial Fluid, Kandisi Anyabwile
Power Amplification Strategies Across Animals, Rayhan Asif
The Evolution of Technology, Kelly Cooper
Effect of Metal Ions on Peptide Folding, Lucas Greggila
Effects of E-cigarette Vapor on Zebrafish Cell Regeneration and Wound Healing, Alyssa A. Grismer, Jenna E. Pumneo, and Brian Bagatto
An Assessment of the pH of the Soil in the Tamarack Bog, Clarity Gunn
The effect of CXCL12 ligand on internalization and dimerization of CXCR4 receptors in live cells, Loga Iyer
Determining Environmental Changes Using Time Lapse Photography, Emily Lemasters
Protocadherin-19 Expression and Function in Vertebrate Brain Review, Makana McGuire
Protocadherin-17 Expression and Function in Vertebrate Brain: A Literature Review, Mathea McGuire
Neural Stem Cell Metabolic Changes in the Presence of Interferon-gamma, Dylan McKibben
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Binding to Human Blood Plasma Proteins, Morgan Miller
Comparing Capabilities of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and the Microbial Community of Iron Caves to Reduce Fe(III), Aaron Douglas Pham
Analysis of Circadian Rhythm Irregularities on the Health of Shift Workers, Sahil Rajan
Identifying Molecular Pathways Underlying Noise-Induced Tinnitus, McKenzie Rice
A field study of Mimulus alatus and its visitors, Joshua Stefan and Nathan Stefan
Effects of Hydrophobicity and Hydrophilicity on Adsorption of Blood Plasma Protein, Tori Taylor Zimmerman
Honors Research Projects from 2020
High-throughput two-stage dereplication of cave bacteria to discover novel antibiotic compounds, Alexander Archey
Leptin effects on bone metabolism, Elizabeth Bark
Assessing pepper pungency by using RT-qPCR to measure Pun1 expression, Sam Blechman
Investigating the morphology of ipRGCs in control vs. glaucomatous retinas, Samantha Cook
Neuroanatomy of the Blackspotted Rockskipper, Entomacrodus striatus, Pooja Dayal
The Cardiovascular Response to Acute Hypoxic Conditions in Danio rerio, Bryce Fetterman
The Effects of Staining Cyanobacteria with SYTOXGreen After Lysis by Freeze-Thaw and Lysis by Ethanol, Samantha Galambos
Oxidative Stress Analysis of Placental Tissue in the RUPP Pregnant Rat, Natalie Ganios
Examining Traumatic Bone Fracture Healing Versus Surgical Osteotomies in Canines and Resulting Rates of Infection, Grace Gsellman
Melanopsin-expressing Retinal Ganglion Cells in Control vs. Glaucomatous Retinas, Edward Hamad
Effect of Vaping and Estrogen/Progesterone on Coagulation of Blood in Danio rerio: A Literature Review, Kristen McCausland
Cardiovascular Tissue Remodeling of Preeclampsia, Rachel Metz
Claw Morphology Impacts Clinging Performance on Rough Substrates, Alexandra Pamfilie
Brown Booby Family Units: Comparing Mothers, Fathers, and Chicks through Stable Isotopes, Erin Taylor
Exploring Tensile Mechanics of Cribellar Hypochilus pococki, Morgan Waggoner
Analyzing the Effects of Opioids on Cortical Pore Networks in Rabbit Tibiae and Femora, Kassidy Wilson
Are there Ecomorphologically-related Differences in the Adhesive Setae of Jamaican Anolis Lizards?, Caitlin Wright
Honors Research Projects from 2019
Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Danio rerio, Karly Crail
Plant Hormone Lab Module: Assessing Different Factors to Create the Most Effective Lab, Ahmed El-Kulak
Optimization of Primary Cilia Detection in Musculoskeletal Tissue, Ragen Engel
Antitumor Properties of Imidazolium Salts, Jenna Frantz
Age-Related Changes to Bone Microarchitecture in a Non-weight Bearing Bone, Tyler Hicks, Janna M. Andronowski, and Reed Davis
Prevention of Harmful Algal Blooms by the Mitigation of Phosphorus Nutrient Loading via Filtration by Steel Wool and Activated Carbon, Sara Kidd, Ronald Simpson, and Samantha Zidd
The Biomechanics of Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) Underwater Walking on Smooth and Rough Substrates, Megan Lee and Henry Astley Dr.
The Effects of Bisphenol F on Embryonic Cardiac Output in Zebrafish, Kyle Monnot
Assessment of Sex-Related Differences of the Osteocyte Lacunar-Canalicular Network Across the Human Lifespan Using Synchrotron micro-Computed Tomography, Linda Muakkassa
Effect of Osteoactivin and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 on soft tissue in Rat Spinal Fusion Model, Andrew Ohliger
Plant Hormone Signaling Lab Module, Olivia Snyder
Regional Patterns of Vascularity within the Limb Bones of Small and Large-bodied Bats, Logan Usher