About IdeaExchange@UAkron
As a public institution of higher learning in the state of Ohio, The University of Akron is committed to creating and discovering knowledge through basic and applied research and creative activity; creating a learning environment with emphasis on a full collegiate experience for each student, leading to opportunities for cognitive, social, and personal development; providing a forum for the examination of ideas and concepts and the generation of scholarly dialogue within the established principles of academic freedom; encouraging opportunities for interdisciplinary study and research; striving for continued improvement of the teaching and learning environment; preparing career-oriented people for professional leadership roles in regional, national, and international organizations and institutions; and offering appropriate educational and professional services to its various constituencies within available resources and established continuing education and outreach philosophies.
IdeaExchange@UAkron collects and preserves a variety of research-based documents and media including working papers, publishes articles, conference proceedings, student theses, and archival materials. In many cases these documents are freely available.
For information on digital repositories, please go to http://digitalcommons.bepress.com/repository-research/.