"Climate Change's Effect on Flow Regime" by Alexander Ialenti


Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 06:51:13



Honors Course

BIOL 499-03

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


This project will test to see if there is a percent increase in non-perennial streams sampled from 2003-2021. Using data provided by The Cleveland Metroparks, sampling events will be separated by date, flow regime classification, and rain data. Current literature supports the claim that many perennial streams, streams that flow year-round, will become non-perennial streams over time. This shift is predicted to be caused by a change in rain patterns. Both the interval between rain events and the intensity of rainfall per event are predicted to increase. My hypothesis is that there will be an increase in the percentage of streams with a non-perennial flow regime, an increase in the amount of time between rain events, and an increase in the amount of rain per event over time.

Research Sponsor

Stephen Weeks

First Reader

Randall Mitchell

Second Reader

Gabrielle Russell

Honors Faculty Advisor

Brian Bagatto

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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