
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-06 08:34:07



Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2023


Particulate calcium carbonate (PCC) is an important filler in industrial products, including paints, which are obtained through mining and sintering (heating to 1,100°C), which is responsible for up to 2% of global emissions. A potential solution to reduce these emissions is the use of calcium carbonate produced by bacteria from atmospheric , through a process called microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP). One of the primary uses of PCCs is in paint, requiring them to be a specific size (~700nm). When we have been collecting samples of PCCs produced by bacteria, which demonstrate clumping, making them too large for use in paint. I wanted to see if this was occurring in actively growing cells or if this was the result of centrifugation to collect the PCCs. To test this, I used dynamic light scattering (DLS). My data demonstrated that DLS allows us to view the PCCs as they accumulate in culture, with large particles forming in solution, suggesting clumping was occurring. To see if I could prevent this, I began looking at surfactants to see if they might prevent the PCCs from creating aggregates. The data suggested that the interactions of cells with particulates in culture is complicated and must be resolved prior to the commercialization of MICP in industrial filler production, but DLS is an effective method to examine PCC production in culture.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Hazel Barton

First Reader

Dr. John Senko

Second Reader

Dr. Weinan Xu

Honors Faculty Advisor

Dr. Brian Bagatto

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information


Included in

Biotechnology Commons



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