Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-04 18:34:28
Honors Course
Senior Honors Program in Biology
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2022
As human population increases in the years to come so too will the agriculture business. We already know that the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and other agriculture chemicals aid to promote accelerated crop growth so that we can harvest the most food for the most people. There is less research on the effects that the runoff of these chemicals have on wetland environments that are downstream from farmland. I would like to explore how some of these agricultural chemicals, like ammonium, will affect the growth of different types of wetland graminoids. I will be looking at Poa polustris, Elymus virginicus and carex vulpinoidea.
Research Sponsor
Randall Mitchell
First Reader
Stephen Weeks
Second Reader
Gabrielle Russel
Honors Faculty Advisor
Brian Bagatto
Recommended Citation
Darago, Travis, "How will the expanding agriculture business impact wetland graminoids?" (2022). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1605.
AmmoniaTolerantOhioGraminoids-TravisDarago.docx (3382 kB)
WHC-HRP+Final+Signature+Page-final.doc (117 kB)