Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-05 12:21:33
Honors Course
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2022
Just as Laura Mulvey defined the male gaze, feminist scholars are constantly working to identify a female gaze in visual arts and literature. Does it exist? This project works to answer the following questions: What is the female gaze? Is it simply the male gaze in reverse, or is it something more, a lens encompassing the desire of intimacy instead of an inherent sexual desire? To find the answer, or at least one possible answer that I can situate myself and my writing into, I plan to read both fiction and scholarship and write utilizing a female character as she herself explores this question in an indirect way through life experiences. By drawing from outside sources I will see the two opposing sides of this argument and turn them into a fiction piece all the while working to fully understand the female gaze.
Research Sponsor
Elizabeth Rhoades
First Reader
Heather Pollock
Second Reader
Kara Kvaran
Honors Faculty Advisor
Philathia Bolton
Recommended Citation
Dangerfield, Cadence, "What is the Female Gaze in Literature?" (2022). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1457.