IdeaExchange@UAkron: Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences | The University of Akron Research | IdeaExchange@UAkron
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and oldest degree-granting college at The University of Akron. In addition to providing a world-class education in an array of bachelor's, master’s and doctoral degree programs, Buchtel College provides the majority of general education courses for the University. Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences is named for John R. Buchtel (1820-1892), an Akron industrialist who helped establish Buchtel College in 1870, the predecessor to The University of Akron. The Buchtel College of Liberal Arts was formed in 1913 when Buchtel College became a municipal university.


Browse the Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences Collections:

Fine Arts


LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education

Natural Sciences

Social Sciences