Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:04:51


Civil Engineering

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


During the Akron Waterways Renewed Program, the city of Akron is studying ways to improve efficiency in the existing sewer system while also reducing the number and scale of combined sewer overflow (CSO) events. Real time control logic can be developed to reduce CSO events by improving flow and storage capacity. Looking at one point in the system, when the target capacity of the downstream pipe was increased from 20% to 80%, the peak volume of overflow from the Ohio Canal Interceptor Tunnel decreased from 9,067 gallons to 5,965 gallons the total system overflow increased from 10.3 million gallons to 28.6 million gallons. By decreasing the target depth of the downstream pipe, thus utilizing the Tunnel for storage, the overall overflow volume was reduced. It was found that when the target capacity of a pipe downstream was increased, the volume of overflow upstream of the pipe decreased, but the total overflow of the system increased. To improve the efficiency of the wastewater system, there needs to be a balance in control logic of multiple control sites based on information from multiple monitoring locations.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Christopher Miller

First Reader

Dr. David Roke

Second Reader

Dr. Stephen Duirk



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