Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:05:25



Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


With crime and recidivism rates so high in the United States, a focus on reintegration and rehabilitation are key in order to allow these individuals to be productive, successful members of society upon release. The following research will investigate the struggles of post-incarceration life for several individuals in a particular rehabilitation program and try to understand how the program they are a part of is aiding them with these struggles. Factors detrimental to reintegration, protective factors against recidivism, environmental factors that aid reintegration, and employment post-incarceration will be examined to gain a better understanding of the life ex-offenders face and what it takes for them to re-enter society successfully.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Paul Levy

First Reader

Dr. Carolyn Behrman

Second Reader

Dr. Travis Hreno



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