Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:40:57



Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


The use of seclusion and restraint (S/R) is a practice that has been shown to be potentially harmful to patients on a physical and emotional level. This review examines 20 research publications in order to address the attitudes of staff and service users regarding use of this intervention, as well as to explore how use of alternative behavioral and environmental modification interventions compares to standard nursing care in terms of S/R prevalence. The review found that there are many viable interventions alternative to S/R that are more palatable to patients and nurses. Variability of interventions addressed in the included studies indicates a need for repeated studies examining each individual intervention, and further literature reviews are indicated to confirm reliability and validity of the findings of this review.

Keywords: seclusion, restraint, psychiatric, prevention, reduction, alternatives, de-escalation, Safewards, Six Core Strategies

Research Sponsor

Karyn Morgan

First Reader

Lori Kidd

Second Reader

Diana Marshall



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