"The cardiorespiratory differences between physically trained vs untrai" by Jakob Rankin


College of Health Professions

Date of Last Revision

2024-09-19 12:07:54


Exercise Science

Honors Course

EXER 430

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


This research study will examine the differences in cardiorespiratory response of trained vs untrained physically active collegiate athletes participating in the sport of Competitive Rifle. The goal of this study is to determine how the heart and lungs respond from participation in Competitive Rifle with division one collegiate and intercollegiate club athletes. If successful, this study will help to determine a correlation of athletic performance in the sport of Competitive Rifle and structured physical training. We will also compare the results of males vs females within both division one and club athletes. The final output of this project is to add to the knowledge of the Sport of Competitive Rifle through determining the impact that structured physical training has on athlete performance. If successful, this project will assist in determining the effects on heart rate and respiration rate on “trained” vs “untrained” collegiate competitive riffle athletes. . This project will also help to gain practical experience of conducting research in athletic fields and the field of Exercise Science. Finally in regards to physical training as it pertains to the sport of rifle, this study will help to prove how important physical activity is for rifle and similar low-movement sports.

Research Sponsor

Stephanie Davis-Dieringer

First Reader

Stacey Buser

Second Reader

Natalie Vinci

Honors Faculty Advisor

Stacey Buser

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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