"Smart Longboard" by Ben Rath


College of Engineering and Polymer Science

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 06:51:08


Electrical Engineering

Honors Course

Senior Design Project II

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


The proposed design project includes a motorized longboard, equipped with a wireless handheld remote to manage the speed of the board. An embedded system mounted underneath the board will gather data from an accelerometer and a GPS sensor. This information is sent through a Bluetooth connection to a compatible smartphone application where it will be displayed. The project also includes a custom battery and charging circuit for the board to ensure that all of the engineering requirements are met. The board will be easy to use and the smartphone application will be able to display ride statistics of the user after the ride is completed. The application will display maximum speed, distance travelled, and average speed for the user to observe and compare with friends.

Research Sponsor

Michael Lichter

First Reader

Malik Elbuluk

Second Reader

Jose Alexis De Abreu-Garcia

Honors Faculty Advisor

Yan Zhang

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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