"Dancing Through the Harlem Renaissance: An Inquiry-Based Unit Plan Ex" by Marina Tsirambidis


Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-01-17 10:16:05


Middle Level Education

Honors Course

EDCI 433 - 002

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Fall 2023


Incorporating movement and physical activity into the K-12, general education classroom has been on the rise. In a study done in 2019, Chloe Bedard deemed physical activity successful within the primary school setting and was determined to examine the benefits of movement integration into the secondary school setting (Bedard et al 2019, as cited in Romar, 2023). Additionally, dance scholars have researched the positive effects of incorporating dance history and movement into the classroom. With these two major advancements in mind, this study will provide a social studies unit that integrates dance movement. This unit aims to teach students about the Harlem Renaissance from the dance perspective, by inquiring, “How can dance be used to celebrate culture?” This research will serve as a resource for educators searching for innovative ways to teach the historical importance and impact of the Harlem Renaissance.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Lynne Pachnowski

First Reader

Dr. Brad Maguth

Second Reader

Colleen Barnes

Honors Faculty Advisor

Gary Holliday

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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