Concurrent Session #6 | 2015 Summit
Saturday April 11; 2:30 - 3:20pm

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As a man thinketh

Ashley C. Swain

Student Union 316

Beyond College: Leveraging Resources and Relationships as an Undergraduate to Excel After Graduation

Amina Yamusah, Breaking.It.Down: a network for black collegians working to achieve, connect and engage
Christian Smutherman, Breaking.It.Down: a network for black collegians working to achieve, connect and engage

Student Union 308

College Athletics, is it a Realistic Goal?

Chris Dennis

Student Union Theatre

Every MAN needs MEN-toring! Retooling black men through collective work and responsibility (ujima)

Jonathan A. Greer

NOTE TIME CHANGE SESSION 6 2:30 - 3:20 Student Union 312

HIStory: In A Class All By Myself

Khelan Todd, Binghamton University
Lai-Monte Hunter, The College of Saint Rose

Student Union 314

The GENIUS of Hip Hop: Rhyme & Reason in the Classroom

Frederick Gooding Jr., Northern Arizona University

Student Union 335

What Works! The Black Male Leadership Development Institute

Michael W. Quigley Ph.D., Robert Morris University
David L. Myers M.S., Robert Morris University
Anthony Mitchell PhD, Penn State Greater Allegheny

Student Union 310