"Pedaling on the North Coast: Biking the Streets of Greater Cleveland" by Stan Purdum and Murray Fishel



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Grab your bicycle, start pedaling, and prepare to explore Ohio's North Coast. Stan Purdum returns with more great rides around Northeast Ohio. Pedaling on the North Coast is your guide to the best routes in the Greater Cleveland Area. From lakeside rides to trips to Cleveland landmarkls like the historic West Side Market, Pedaling on the North Coast is the perfect companion for everyone from the casual cyclist to the seasoned vet. The eighteen rides offer a diverse selection to discover Cleveland and the surrounding area: crank over to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Cleveland Browns stadium; bike along the famed Emerald Necklace; check out the Cleveland Botanical Gardens and Art Museum; ride through neighborhoods like Little Italy, Shaker, Tremont, Ohio City and many more. Pedaling on the North Coast includes detailed directions for every ride, including maps and mileage notations. Purdum shares his favorite spots to eat and explore along each route as well as rich, historical background and revealing sidebars. Saddle up and get ready to ride!



Publication Date

Summer 5-6-2011


University of Akron Press


Akron, Ohio


Cycling, Cleveland, Exercise



Pedaling on the North Coast: Biking the Streets of Greater Cleveland

Included in

History Commons



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