University of Akron Press | The University of Akron Research | IdeaExchange@UAkron

The University of Akron Press publishes books about Akron's history and culture as well as scholarly and creative books in academic disciplines that students come to Akron to study. Many of our regional books are published in our Ohio History and Culture series. We publish books on applied politics in our Ray C. Bliss Institute Series, and we publish books on the history of psychology in our Center for the History of Psychology Series. Our Akron Series in Poetry has a national reputation. We serve community organizations through publishing partnerships and consulting services. And we freely share our expertise with students and the broader campus community to better develop Akron's ability to communicate the knowledge we create with one another, with the rest of Ohio, and with the whole wide world.

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Encountering Hopewell in the Twenty-first Century, Ohio and Beyond

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