Policies | Nineteenth-Century Ohio Literature presents readings from old Ohio magazines and newspapers, with helpful explanatory material. | Literary Magazines | The University of Akron

Policies for Nineteenth-Century Ohio Literature

About Nineteenth-Century Ohio Literature

Nineteenth-Century Ohio Literature presents scholarly editions that were often first drafted as a research assignment in a English department course at The University of Akron taught by the series editor, Jon Miller. Authors were free to select texts from databases of nineteenth-century Ohio periodicals such as the Library of Congress's Chronicling America. The series editor asked authors to find readings that they found entertaining, informative, and/or somehow satisfying. All texts were then carefully prepared to scholarly standards. Each edition includes an essay that explains and interprets the nineteenth-century writing for today's reader, and each edition provides advice to readers interested in further reading or study.

These editions were then put through multiple rounds of revision, copyediting, and proofreading, with work on the project often extending through many months after completion of the course.

We hope that you enjoy reading these materials as much as we enjoyed preparing them. For additional information, please contact Jon Miller at mjon@uakron.edu.

Advisory Board

Patrick Chura, The University of Akron
Wesley Raabe, Kent State University
Debra Rosenthal, John Carroll University

ISSN 2577-1302