Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research


Materials Processing Handbook, Joanna R. Groza, James F. Shackelford, Enrique J. Lavernia, and Michael T. Powers, Editors

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date

Fall 9-2012


Convinced that the field of materials science and engineering has gradually evolved into a science on its own, embracing the well established disciples of physical metallurgy and ceramic/glass engineering while also including the newer and emerging developments spanning the domains of electronic materials, optical materials, magnetic materials, semiconductors, polymers, composites, bio-materials and even nanomaterials the editors of this bound volume initiated their efforts at bringing forth this handbook on processing as it relates to materials. They are of the opinion that despite the enormous diversity of the modern day engineering materials, they are all linked or tied together by unifying concepts and first principles in areas spanning the following: (i) thermodynamics of equilibrium, (ii) statistical mechanics, (iii) phase transformations, (iv) matter and energy transport, and (v) fundamental structure of a material from an atomic level to macroscopic level. They are of the opinion that advances in the development of materials have caused processing to play a central and critical role. The key reason being that processing generates the microstructure of a material, which in turn imparts the desired properties to a material and ensures the expected performance from the material that is used in the structure, component or other end product. In an attempt to keep pace with the impetus created by rapid pace of technological innovations has caused the field of materials processing to grow at an exponential rate in both popularity and importance. The explicit dependence of ultimate properties of a material on the specific processing steps used in its fabrication has enabled materials processing to be placed on a decisive position not only for the production and application of the conventional engineering materials, but also for the future of new, improved and emerging materials.

Publication Title

Materials and Manufacturing Processes





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