Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 12:46:22
Computer Engineering - Cooperative Education
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2019
The goal of this research project is to design a system for the Akronauts Rocket Design Team which will transmit flight data in real-time to a ground station. The data will be collected from various sensors (altitude, acceleration, GPS, etc). This data will be transmitted wirelessly and in real-time to a receiving station. Calculations and visualizations will be taken from the data, which will help the team improve their rocket designs. Additionally, GPS data will be useful to locate the rocket post-flight. Challenges will include the need for the system to transmit over the range of the rocket’s flight and to operate for the duration of the flight without needed recharged. Additionally, the rocket team desires a solution that can be operated without a license, limiting the frequencies that can be utilized.
Research Sponsor
Mehdi Maleki
First Reader
Gregory Lewis
Second Reader
Nghi Tran
Recommended Citation
Lacek, Monica; Bryant, Clark III; Dalvin, David; and Wolgamott, Nicholas, "Rocket Telemetry System" (2019). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 931.