Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 12:53:00


Statistics - Actuarial Science

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2019


This paper is a study regarding how vaccination rates are related to the number of measles cases that occur in a particular state. First, I will review the history of vaccines and the motivations for the refusals of this medical procedure. In addition, I will examine the various regulations regarding vaccinations and which states allow non-medical exemptions for religious or personal reasons. Within my analysis, I will provide examples of recent outbreaks to represent the extent of this current dilemma. Furthermore, I will offer potential solutions to mitigate measles outbreaks and the science regarding Herd Immunity Thresholds (HIT) to limit the spread of communicable diseases. To show the relationship between vaccination rates and the number of measles cases in a particular state, I will perform regression and correlation analysis on these statistics.

Research Sponsor

Nao Mimoto

First Reader

Dr. Mark Fridline

Second Reader

Dr. Rich Einsporn



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