Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 12:52:38
Biomedical Engineering - Biomechanics
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2019
This paper will detail the design process of developing a Z-shaped foot and ankle internal fixation plating system. Group 6: Plates for the Sole was made up of 5 team members, who worked together to accommodate their client’s request to complete a biomechanical analysis of a Z-Plate design and a construct a prototype. The Z-Plate’s purpose is to provide podiatrists with a new solution that can fit nicely on the small, irregular bones of the foot, while also remaining strong enough to withstand the forces and torques of the foot.
Research Sponsor
Dr. James Keszenheimer
First Reader
Douglass McGlynn
Second Reader
Dr. Qin Liu
Recommended Citation
Shaghaghi Paul, Rhaz; Hames, Ian; and Rich, Sean, "Development and Exploration of a Z-Shaped Foot and Ankle Internal Fixation Plate" (2019). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 842.