"Fatigue Tester" by Nicholas Fazio

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 12:38:44


Mechanical Engineering Technology

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2019


The purpose of this project is to combine all my experience, knowledge and skills that I’ve acquired over the years as a Mechanical Engineering Technology student to completely design and build a fatigue tester. This will give me valuable experience in the process of designing and assembling a product and give me a great example to add to my portfolio. The tester will be completed through a process of researching design and modeling. Once everything is properly calculated and designed the parts that can be fabricated will. The rest will be ordered and then everything will be assembled. Upon completion, the project will be presented in front of a group of my peers and professors in an Engineering showcase. This project will enrich my undergraduate experience by allowing me to showcase all my abilities and skills. It will also provide me with a new way to learn and problem solve.

Research Sponsor

Thomas F. Lukach

First Reader

Kristina A. Artino

Second Reader

Anne Jorgensen



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