Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 09:41:15


Art - Studio Emphasis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2019


Art students have tough lives. We choose an education that is difficult to complete and a career that often trades financial security for personal fulfillment. The purpose of this project is a celebration of art students, whether it laughs at our mistakes, rejoices in our successes, or offers advice. This is a student-led critique on art school. This project intends to look seriously at the good and bad in art school, including both students and professors. The media is an experimental combination of traditional watercolor and digital painting techniques, as seen in the process images.

The limitations of this project stem from the fact that this is my perspective drawn from three years at the University of Akron Myers School of Art, and there is a limitation to my observations and opinions and a limitation to experience from a single art school. Therefore, I attempted to keep my own bias to an absolute minimum and portray the anonymous responses of the students forefront in the discussion.

Art students will find the humor relatable, both in the praise and the critique. They will understand the limitations of teaching, testing, and grading art. College students will have insight into the lives of their classmates who are art majors. Parents will see what their kids are going through. Faculty will understand a student’s perspective. Potential art school students will have a better understanding of what they are signing up for.

Research Sponsor

David Szalay

First Reader

John Morrison

Second Reader

Laura Vinnedge



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