Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:14:01


Exercise Science - PrePhysical Therapy

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


Physical activity has been shown to improve cognition, functional and overall health indicators across the lifespan. Older adults are less likely to participate in physical due to barriers and risk related factors. Additionally, lower income, underserved populations experience added barriers as well. Interventions addressing negative health behaviors in these populations have rarely been implemented. PURPOSE: Using the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) behavior change theory, the purpose of this study was to determine if five, monthly educational and exercise classes targeting these populations will improve motivation levels and result in facilitating increases in physical activity levels. METHODS: One validated TTM survey was completed upon the first month’s visit. Through the following months, group exercises and educational materials were prepared according to a monthly theme. Three different locations received the two hour interventions each month for four months. During the last month’s meeting, the same surveys will be completed and used to compare the pre and post measurements of the participants. RESULTS: The results of this study showed that there were no significant differences in between pre and post survey data, (p = 0.09) However, none of the participants regressed to previous stages of change. CONCLUSION: The positive results of this study will be used to re-evaluate the Wellness Wednesday program and adjust strategies to enable continued participant engagement and adherence to recommended physical activity guidelines. Results suggest that programming appears to be successful with the small sample size evaluated in this study.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Judith A Juvancic-Heltzel

First Reader

Rachele Kappler

Second Reader

Melissa Smith



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