"The Effect of Breastfeeding and Rooming-In Care on Neonatal Abstinence" by Rachel Boyer, Lindsay Gal et al.

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 08:20:34


Nursing RN/BSN Akron

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Date of Expected Graduation

Fall 2018


Concurrent with a rise in opioid abuse during pregnancy is an increase in the number of babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Despite this crisis, no single treatment has been identified for NAS. This paper sought to analyze and synthesize research evaluating the effectiveness of breastfeeding and rooming-in care on the need and length of pharmacologic treatment and length of hospital stay for neonates with NAS. Twenty-six peer reviewed research articles published between 2006 and 2017 were selected from PubMed and CINAHL for analysis. The studies focused on neonates with NAS born to mothers addicted to opioids or undergoing opioid maintenance treatment (OMT). The studies reviewed included systematic reviews and research studies utilizing control and intervention groups in various countries with sample sizes ranging from 16 to 952 neonates. Findings indicate that breastfeeding and rooming-in are effective for mild-moderate NAS whereas pharmacologic treatments are recommended for moderate-severe NAS. In addition to these findings, this paper will discuss limitations faced while compiling research and the possibility for future research and implementation into practice.

Research Sponsor

Carol J. Scotto

First Reader

Wanda Csaky

Second Reader

Debra Horning

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