Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 06:26:01


Social Work

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Summer 2018


The ruling of Roe v. Wade was a key point in the establishment of abortion policy in the United States, sparking controversy that is still prevalent politically and socially. Prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion was banned throughout the majority of the United States with very few exceptions. In the years since this historical ruling, civilians and politicians have taken sides over what abortion policies are morally and ethically correct. Pro-life and pro-choice activists have spent over 40 years competing for their ideology to be reflected in policy. The efforts by either movement have impacted United States’ economics and politics. With the United States being nearly evenly divided regarding whether or not abortion should be legal, it is likely that abortion will remain a hot-button issue for decades to come.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Mark McManus

First Reader

Dr. Jina Sang

Second Reader

Michelle Thornton



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