Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:04:34


Early Childhood Education

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


This paper discusses what word walls are and how they are used in a classroom. The various types of word walls are introduced, as well as their uses for spelling and vocabulary. It looks at the impact that word walls have on the following groups of students in a classroom: students at grade level, students above grade level, students below grade level, and students with disabilities. It was discovered that students above grade level receive the least benefits from word walls and that word walls are the most effective when accompanied with activities and explicit instruction. This paper also details how to effectively use word walls in the classroom based upon the information gathered about the impact that word walls have on the aforementioned groups of students. An alternative to word walls, a Words I Use When I Write book, is also discussed in this paper.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Gloria Hobor

First Reader

Dr. Shernavaz Vakil

Second Reader

Dr. Jennifer Bozeka



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