Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 04:58:13


Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


Adults with hearing loss report experiencing isolation, depression, a decreased satisfaction with their self - image and quality of life, cognitive problems and communication obstacles. These effects of a hearing loss can manifest in social situations, within the family and even at the workplace. How one copes with their hearing loss can affect how much of an impact their hearing loss has on their lives as well as what rehabilitative programs or assistive technology they may seek out. It is important to for audiologists to understand the psychosocial effects of hearing loss, how they affect the individual in the workplace and within the family, and how individuals often cope with a hearing loss in order to best help their patients.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Kristina English

First Reader

Dr. James Steiger

Second Reader

Dr. Kathern Sigal - Papp



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