Date of Last Revision
2023-05-03 04:56:54
Chemical Engineering - Cooperative Education
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2018
Two different mathematical models were investigated for their use in describing the residence time distribution (RTD) of an industrial mixer. The first model investigated was the tanks-in-series model, while the second model was a combination of two branches of tanks-in-series. The tanks-in-series model is capable of characterizing the mixing present in the flow, but cannot detect non-idealities in flow such as bypassing and dead space. The multi-branch model has mathematical complexity, but it uses the second branch of flow to detect the presence of this non-ideal flow, determine if it is dead space of bypassing, and characterize how well-mixed the non-ideal flow is. The pulse method was used to test the mixer’s RTD, and the model parameters were determined through a combination of fitting with an iterative solver and directly solving model equations. The main goal of this work was to determine if the multi-branch model increased knowledge of fluid flow enough to balance out the increased mathematical complexity. The multi-branch fit the RTD curve with consistently lower error, and increase flow knowledge by detecting bypassing in the mixer. This study concluded that the model has practical value in characterizing level of mixing and non-ideal flow in the mixer.
Research Sponsor
Bi-Min Zhang Newby
Recommended Citation
Ayers, Michelle, "Residence Time Distribution of Mixing Based on Mathematical Modeling" (2018). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 604.