Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 02:55:51


Applied Mathematics

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Winter 2017


Hackathons are events where groups of college students have 24 hours to build up a any project, using Computer Science and Electrical Engineering skillsets. These events are typically hosted on college campuses, and attract over 200 students per event. Each student brings 2 devices - their phone, and their laptop. That means that 400 devices are connected to a University venue's Internet network, commonly overloading it. Software Lab alleviates this overloading by providing an abstracted NAS node network for events. Software Lab guarantees speeds of at least 100 mbits/s, and provides a 8-10x improvement on download speeds over the common Internet network.

Research Sponsor

Curtis Clemons

First Reader

Curtis Clemons

Second Reader

Kevin Kreider
