Date of Last Revision
2023-05-02 23:46:15
Business Administration
Degree Name
Bachelor of Business Administration
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2018
This paper summarizes the results of secondary research done to understand the preferences and characteristics of millennial consumers in the digital era, both in terms of purchasing tires and consumer products in general. Sources used were mostly academic and gathered through the use of University of Akron Library databases. In general, when compared to older generations, millennials care more about value and less about price when shopping of goods. They are also less loyal to any single company. Millennials have taken a more active role with their finances and are making use of new payment methods, such as PayPal and Venmo. The need for tires was found to often be a surprise for all consumers, but millennials have a particularly negative experience while shopping for tires. Consumer knowledge about tire and car care was found to be lacking, especially among millennials. Online and mobile platforms have become increasingly popular for companies who are trying to gain more millennial business. Certain characteristics of mobile applications related to ease-of-use, lightheartedness, and community were more likely to drive consumers to download and keep the application on their phone.
First Reader
Dr. Susan Hanlon
Second Reader
Mr. Andy Platt
Recommended Citation
Cimperman, Matthew B.; Harrison, Austin; Hatch, Julia; Pillar, Kelly; and Snipes, Tara, "Understanding the Millennial Buying Process in the Modern Digital Era - Secondary Research" (2018). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 546.