"Stringless Guitar" by Kue Z. Yang, Anthony Batey et al.

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:44:31


Computer Engineering - Cooperative Education

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


The aim of this project is to improve the design of a typical guitar by designing a digital stringless guitar. Due to the nonlinearities inherent in a guitar, it would be difficult to reproduce guitar tones by summing harmonic components; therefore, digital samples of guitar tones were taken in order to preserve these unique and wonderfully sounding tones. These digital samples were stored in the guitar and used to produce its tones when played. The digital guitar includes fingerboard position sensors as well as strum sensors for each string. The fingerboard position sensors detect the player’s fingers at discrete positions. The strum sensors detect which string is being strummed. All the sensors are durable and may be replaced as the instrument ages. The guitar produces sound similar to a typical guitar without requiring strings or tuning. The stringless guitar has many of the standard features of a typical guitar including a standard guitar audio jack, volume control and tone control. The hope of this project is to produce a novel digital guitar that may be admired by professional and beginner musicians alike.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Robert J. Veillette



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