Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:41:08


Computer Science - Management

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


Cameron Reilly

Major: Computer Science Management Track

Project Sponsor: Michael Collard

What’s Good?

“What’s Good?” is an iOS application that uses augmented reality to present information about nearby restaurants to the user in real time. Users can hold up their device and look through their camera to see information presented above the restaurant including it’s name, average cost, and average review rating. The user’s location is gathered and used in tandem with the Zomato API to select what data display as those dining locations are currently near the user. Using the gyroscope, compass, and accelerometer to tell the exact orientation of the phone, it displays the information about what restaurant is currently being looked at. The information is displayed directly above the location it pertains to creating the augmented reality effect.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Michael L. Collard

First Reader

Dr. En Cheng

Second Reader

Dr. Timothy O'Neil


Application is version controlled through github



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