Date of Last Revision
2023-05-02 23:40:40
Computer Science - Systems
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2017
The reasons for completing this project include expanding my knowledge of programming features and methodology, and to learn about game platform development and design. This was done by using the Java programming language to create a game platform which can host a variable number of games. One of the most notable features that was utilized is the JavaFX platform. Much programming experience was gained from this platform and all the features and methods it provides for customization. The application that was produced is graphical user interface based and created with event-driven programming. The result of this project was a custom game platform and a couple of games that can be played from the platform.
Research Sponsor
Timothy O'Neil
First Reader
Yingcai Xiao
Second Reader
Willis Crissey, Jr
Recommended Citation
Locker, Todd R. Jr, "Game Collection Development and Marketing" (2017). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 464.