"Ohio Student Government Summit Planning" by Megan Bodenschatz

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 23:40:06


Business and Organizational Communication - Public Relations

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2017


This paper will detail the process of planning this event such as organizing the logistics, developing content and materials, maintaining a budget, and running an effective planning committee. It will also address the objectives of the Ohio Student Government Summit and how to implement those objectives into the content of the event.

The purpose of the Ohio Student Government Summit is to bring student governments of various Ohio universities and colleges together for an open and candid discussion about issues their respective schools face, what role they play in facing those issues, and how they can help resolve those issues to create a better campus environment for our student bodies. The structure of the event includes a keynote speaker, breakout sessions, lunch, and a round table discussion. The planning of this event includes: organizing the logistics, developing content and materials for each portion, maintaining a budget, and running an effective planning committee.

The goal of this event is to connect student governments across the state of Ohio. It allows different universities and colleges, who otherwise would not meet, the opportunity to come together and discuss relevant issues, to trade tips and tricks, and the ability to network. While valuable professional experience would be gained during the planning this event, the actual summit will provide many students with educational and life experiences that they will take with them further than their next student government meeting.

This formal document has been put together at the completion of the project to document what was done throughout the planning of the event and the outcome of the event. Data has been collected from the summit attendees through a pre- and post-event survey to determine the success of the event, what portions worked well, and what aspects need work. The following document details the research prior to the event, method of planning the event, results of the event objectives, and discussion of event improvements that culminates into a planning guide with supporting documentation from the event.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Julia Spiker

First Reader

Dr. Jamal Feerasta

Second Reader

Julie Cajigas



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