"Beginning Flute Pedagogy" by Sabrina Simone

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 21:46:53


Music Education - Instrumental Band

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Fall 2016


This paper explores materials from four published and recommended books, experienced flute educators, and reputable music collections to create a basic guideline for the private flute lesson teacher. The topics and materials presented will be the outline for guiding a beginning flute player to success as they increase in ability through secondary education. This includes instructions on playing position, tone production, and techniques for helping develop a proficient player. Common problems with solutions will also be suggested along with teaching materials. The focus will be mainly on beginning instruction because creating a solid foundation is imperative for success. An important issue to keep in mind during instruction is every student is different and has specific needs. Therefore, slight adjustments to the given information may be needed for individuals. A comprehensive list of materials for use in teaching will be supplied at the end for educators to reference. However, there are also many other materials for possible instructional use that may not be provided due to the large volume of available resources.

Research Sponsor

Cynthia Cioffari

First Reader

Bryan Nichols

Second Reader

Joseph Minocchi



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