Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 18:58:49



Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


The amount of woodlots in Ohio have dramatically decreased since the introduction of settlers into the State. The removal of forest for open space, urban areas, fuel and resources was key to this change. Since the development of the economy to a more service based industry in recent years, woodlots have begun to return in certain areas. This research shows the change in woodlot patterns in Hancock County, Ohio from 1988 to 2006.

The analysis was done by classifying the data into 'woodlot' and 'other land use' by using image segmentation and manual editing processes. Accuracy checks were conducted on both study areas to determine the quality of the classifications. The results show a increase of 'woodlot' land cover in both study areas, with patterns of returning woodlots occurring along water bodies and existing forestry.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Linda Barrett

First Reader

Jeremy Spencer

Second Reader

Shanon Donnelly



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