"Reusable Adhesive Tapes from Electrospun Polymer Fibers" by Vishal K. Chaurasia

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:16:49


Mechanical Polymer Engineering

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


Many emerging applications demand an adhesive that has reusable properties. The adhesive must exhibit high adhesion strength to various surfaces and be able to be removed easily and then reapplied with minimal to no loss in adhesion strength. This work aims to tackle this problem by creating an adhesive tape fabricated by electrospinning polymer solutions onto a substrate. Electrospun adhesive nano/micro fibers have the ability to display the reusable characteristics desired. Several adhesive custom formulations were first developed and optimized for electrospinning. Then these formulations were successfully electrospun on to various substrates after much fine tuning of electrospinning parameters. The resulting adhesive tapes had higher shear strengths than peel strengths and were reusable with minimal loss in adhesion.

Research Sponsor

Professor Josh Wong



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