Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 17:02:23


Political Science - International / Comparative Politics

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2016


This paper will compare the characteristics among citizens in Turkey who have anti-American views and attitudes. The paper will review of the current literature on what is anti-Americanism, and its consequences, and the chronology of anti-Americanism in Turkey from 2001 to 2013. Next, the paper will explain the political left and right in Turkey, and Turkish Islamic identity, that is, observant Muslims in Turkey. The findings of this paper suggests that Muslim identify has not correlation with levels of anti-Americanism. Rather, there is a correlation between having a leftist political ideology and a higher level of anti-Americanism. The research being presented in this paper will act as a precursor for further studies on explaining anti-American sentiment in Turkish citizens.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Karl Kaltenthaler

First Reader

Dr. Ron Gelleny

Second Reader

Dr. Phil Marcin



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