"The Impact of Different Forms of Physical Activity on an Athlete's Mem" by Hannah Lebeck


College of Health Professions

Date of Last Revision

2024-10-09 08:00:07


Exercise Science

Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Summer 2024


Memory is an integral part of human life, needed for all aspects of daily living, especially for college students. Previous research has shown a plethora of benefits to several systems of the body for those who participate in chronic aerobic activity. This research has shown chronic aerobic physical activity to provide an enhanced memory through numerous physiological adaptations. Studies on chronic anaerobic activity and its effect on the brain are minimal, demanding more research be done. PURPOSE: Determine the effect of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on memory and cognitive function in different classifications of collegiate athletes. METHODS: Study to consist of 60 athletes (N=60), 20 athletes (N=20) from each classification at The University of Akron: Division 1 (D1), club and recreational. Data to be collected from a physical activity questionnaire, collecting information on volume and type of activity performed, and a memory test. Physical activity bouts to be completed prior to data collection. Data to be compared using an ANOVA test to determine statistical significance between the type of physical activity the athlete performs and their score on the memory test. RESULTS: The anticipated result is for all athletes to score in the “normal function” range of the memory test. It is anticipated the D1 athletes will have the highest scores as their volume of both aerobic and anaerobic training generally surpasses club and recreational athletes. Outliers are expected for those training at too high of volume and are overtraining. CONCLUSION: Expectation is that participation in chronic physical activity is correlated to increased memory capabilities. Aerobic and anaerobic physical activity each have unique mechanisms in enhancing memory. Current research supports the claim, however, there is a paucity of evidence on the effect of anaerobic physical activity on memory. Future research should focus on the significance of anaerobic physical activity and the distinctive benefits it has on memory and cognitive function.

Research Sponsor

Stephanie Davis-Dieringer

First Reader

Barbara Jackson

Second Reader

Kevin Kaut

Honors Faculty Advisor

Rachele Kappler

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information




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