"Time Spent in the Military as a Moderator of Endorsement of Traditiona" by Keiko M. McCullough and Ronald F. Levant

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-02 14:19:57



Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2015


Objective: Military culture perpetuates traditional masculine norms (Alfred, Good, & Hammer, 2014). The internalization of traditional masculinity has been linked to reduced relationship satisfaction among heterosexual couples (McGraw, 2001). The present study investigated the role of military service as moderator of the relationship between masculinity ideology and relationship satisfaction. Method: 155 heterosexual male military personnel in romantic relationships recruited from the internet reported length of service, endorsement of traditional masculinity ideology, and relationship satisfaction. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to evaluate if length of military service moderated the relationship between masculinity and relationship satisfaction. Results: Results were not consistent with previous findings that endorsement of traditional masculinity ideology predicts relationship satisfaction for men (McGraw, 2001). In addition, length of military service did not act as a moderator as hypothesized. Conclusion: Additional research is needed to clarify these results which conflict with recent findings on traditional masculinity and intimate relationships. Possible influential factors and directions for future research are explored.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Ronald F. Levant

First Reader

Kathleen Alto

Second Reader

Dr. Kevin P. Kaut



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