"Compliance and Roughness in Relation to Gecko Locomotion" by Brooklynn Campbell


Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-06-04 07:21:30



Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2024


Geckos move efficiently through a variety of substrates, from swaying branches to wooden fences to the sides of structures. Previous studies have studied locomotion and adhesion on manmade and rough substrates; however, the work is limited when discussing locomotion and adhesion as a relationship of compliance and roughness. Ease of movement was quantified by speed, under the assumption that the faster a gecko moves, the easier it is for the gecko to cross the substrate. Gehyra oceanica geckos from Moorea, French Polynesia were tested on substrates varying in compliance and roughness with four different treatments in total. Compliance, roughness, and the combination of compliance and roughness all have significant effects on a gecko’s speed. However, the highest speeds were reached on the smooth substrate with the most compliance (500g smooth). This was an interesting result, as we hypothesized that geckos would struggle the most with this treatment based on previous studies concerning the morphology of their toe pads. Snout-vent length (SVL) was also collected and had no significant correlation to a gecko’s speed on compliant substrates, regardless of roughness. This paper serves as a basic overview in relating gecko adhesion to roughness and speed.

Research Sponsor

Peter Niewiarowski

First Reader

Richard Londraville

Second Reader

Robert Duff

Honors Faculty Advisor

Brian Bagatto

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