"All-Consuming Madness" by Ainsley Doyle


Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2024-01-17 07:06:04



Honors Course

ENGL: 482- 001

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Winter 2023


My honors project is a short story, titled All-Consuming Madness, that follows the main character Annie as she struggles to cope with the aftermath of a car accident that changed her life. The story explores the impact grief can have on family relationships and how trauma can close people off from each other. It also explores Annie’s journey towards healing as she struggles to forgive herself for the accident. The accompanying essays detail the creative process I went through while creating this story and the influences that had an important impact on the story.

Research Sponsor

Dr. Jon Miller

First Reader

Dr. Juliana Amir

Second Reader

Dr. Elizabeth Rhoades

Honors Faculty Advisor

Prof. Elizabeth Rhoades

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information


Included in

Fiction Commons



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