
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-08 17:12:48



Honors Course

PSYC 498 - Honors Research in Psychology (Individual)

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2023


The purpose of this paper was to research the existing literature regarding the factors that affect the well-being of college students and make suggestions for further research. There are a number of factors that contribute to the well-being of students during their time in college. This topic is important to cover in order for colleges to make adaptations to increase their students’ well-being. The factors currently in the literature include involvement, living situation, participation in class, social factors, diets, Internet usage, sleep, individuation from parents, and the Covid-19 pandemic. Each of these factors were found to impact a college student’s well-being over their time in school. The research shows in what ways colleges can improve to benefit their students. Suggestions for further research include looking at correlations between various majors and their levels of well-being, multi-institutional studies, and studies researching large populations to ensure minority groups are being represented.

Research Sponsor

Ingrid Weigold

First Reader

Thomas Faessel

Second Reader

Emily Ethridge

Honors Faculty Advisor

Charles Waehler

Proprietary and/or Confidential Information


Included in

Psychology Commons



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