Landing Gear Sealing Solution

Andrew Milligan


XYZ Landing Gear Solutions has been tasked with redesigning two internal components of the landing gears for the ABC-123 aircraft program. The customer, ABC Aeronautics, informed XYZ Landing Gear Solutions that a particular system of the landing gear does not meet the necessary performance requirements of the program. As a result, the entire system will have to be removed, facilitating the need for a redesign of the two components that the system interfaced with. The focus of this project will be completing the redesign process for both of these components. “Redesign” and “design” will be used interchangeably in this report.

The scope of this report will be limited to only the design of the new components and will not discuss, at least not in detail, the manufacturing and installation of the new components. Following the design process outlined in this report, a final detailed design of each component will be completed, while also following all requirements from ABC Aeronautics.