"Design Project: 3D Printer/Injection Molder Hybrid" by Lee Paolucci, Luke Everhart et al.


College of Engineering and Polymer Science

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-05 06:33:32


Electrical Engineering

Honors Course


Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2022


In the realm of rapid, small-scale prototyping, there are a few main factors that drive decisions to invest resources in technology to make that prototyping possible. Cost and ease of use are two of the most influential when looking at most SMEs (Small to Medium-sized Enterprises). The U.S. Small Business Administration defines an SME as smaller than 1,250 employees. According to An Assessment of Implementation of Entry-Level 3D Printers from the Perspective of Small Businesses, 59% of small manufacturers had implemented 3D printers as of 2014. However, no matter what technology is used in rapid prototyping, there are common limitations and complications that arise. For 3D printing, whether because of material or structural limitations, objects cannot always meet the requirements set forth by the operator. For injection molding, the creation of metal molds/dies can be expensive and time consuming, or even unattainable for some businesses. There is a need for technology that could perhaps fill in the gaps of these processes as it pertains to small scale production/prototyping.

Research Sponsor

Gregory Lewis

First Reader

Robert Veillette

Second Reader

James Grover

Honors Faculty Advisor

James Grover



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