
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-05 11:41:26


Early Childhood Inclusive Teacher Preparation

Honors Course

Independent Study

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science in Education

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2022


Self-efficacy is a skill that can inspire problem solving, high confidence, and critical thinking skills. As educators seek to create an enriching, inclusive, and engaging academic environment for students with disabilities, it is important to incorporate strategies for building self-efficacy throughout learning. I pose a potential solution to integrate self-efficacy building into mathematical concepts through visual art. The participant in this study is a four-year-old child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), sensory input issues, and a developmental delay. Over a four-week period, I performed a pre-assessment, four lesson plans, and a post-assessment. I created the assessment to measure his demonstration of self-efficacy through number sense, critical thinking, and a guardian questionnaire. The four lesson plans each teach a concept related to number sense using visual art; strategies for building self-efficacy are woven into each plan, reinforced by the art related activity. Data from the assessments and observations showed growth in Sam’s demonstrations of self-efficacy as well as high engagement and increased number sense. Overall, this study suggests that visual art can increase student engagement in math concepts as well as support explicit strategies for building self-efficacy; however, it did not suggest that visual art alone can build self-efficacy.

Research Sponsor

Susan Corl

First Reader

Angela Kovach

Second Reader

Jessica Wallis

Honors Faculty Advisor

Lynn Kline



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