Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-04 08:27:25
Honors Course
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2021
What happens to us when we fall in love? Aside from the symptoms that are normally portrayed in rom-coms and cheesy TV shows, there is so much that happens inside that we are not aware of. For my research project, I want to delve into the scientific and chemical reactions that occur inside the brain and respective systems throughout different phases of love: from the honeymoon phrase to "dying of a broken heart". This paper will provide explanations for why we feel or act the way we do, and allow some light to be shed on a subject that some know all too well, and some not at all. To accompany this research paper is a dance work that will have a similar structure. Within multiple sections, dancers will convey the ideas and results presented in my research, and embody the ups and downs of love as a whole. Contrary to popular belief, there is a connection between the head and the heart, and I want to share that information with both romantics and cynics alike.
Research Sponsor
Christine Howe
First Reader
Jennifer Lehaney
Second Reader
Rachael Palermo
Honors Faculty Advisor
Marc Reed
Recommended Citation
Neiswander, Sarah, "A Duet between the Head and the Heart: the Effect of Love on the Brain" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1399.