"Cleo’s Crown: An Original Illustrated Children’s Book" by Rachael Mion


Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences

Date of Last Revision

2023-05-04 20:06:55


Graphic Design

Honors Course

7100:499-001 – Honors in Art

Number of Credits


Degree Name

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2021


As children, our imagination is extremely vast and unpredictable, and the

books we read influence how we view the world. As we grow, many people slowly

lose the ability to get lost in their imagination. With Cleo’s Crown, I wanted to bring

back some of the magic that inspired me as a child, and the art is heavily influenced

by physical representations of magic and creativity. This project was created to spark

others imagination and remind them of their childhood. Even after the book and my

exhibition is completed, I am determined to share and hopefully publish Cleo’s

Crown. I am hoping that one day the bright colors and characters of Cleo’s Crown

inspires children, and they fall in love with the book just as I have.

Research Sponsor

David Szalay

First Reader

Anthony Samangy

Second Reader

David Flynn

Honors Faculty Advisor

Markus V Vogl



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