Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2023-05-04 19:57:59
Honors Course
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Music
Date of Expected Graduation
Spring 2021
This project will analyze the new trend in musicology of understanding music as cultural metaphor in terms of cognitive theories on how musical meaning is created, specifically through the work of Candace Brower. Brower's theory states that meaning in music is created through bodily metaphor; "image schemas" of basic human experiences like walking and perceiving space are mapped onto music, which allows meaning to develop. This theory will be applied to the larger-scale cultural metaphors of "New Musicology," which approaches music through the lens of how it interacts with and reflects different cultural ideas and values. The project will attempt to discover how bodily metaphor as a basis for meaning reflects on music's function as a cultural metaphor.
Research Sponsor
Brooks Toliver
First Reader
Philip Thomson
Second Reader
John Huss
Honors Faculty Advisor
Kevin Lewis
Recommended Citation
Kreider, Mikayla, "Music Cognition and Cultural Meaning" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1325.
Signature Sheet